Maternal Health Infographic
Its time to join together to expand the sense of urgency in global public health beyond communicable diseases to the diseases and injuries which in modern times can easily be treated by health workers trained in low-technology surgical interventions. Here is how you can get involved:
Sign the petition for Essential Surgery
Sign up for alerts on the Essential Surgery Website
Make sure your organization is taking part in the 15X15 campaign and represented on the 15X15 platform
Share our infographics and vignettes, fact sheets, and updates on social media (twitter, facebook…) using our hashtags
Donate and support the training of a medical officer to learn to perform an essential surgery – EXAMPLE – pick a procedure
Host a screening of the Right to Heal
Lend your support so that government, civil society, professional associations and the private sector unite to call for:
Predictable, adequate funding from international and local sources
Political leadership and champions
Technological innovation within an effective delivery system, at a sustainable price
Technical consensus about the appropriate biomedical or public health approach
Good management on the ground
Effective use of information (ie, metrics)
For more information on how to become a part of this global movement please email