ICES, International Collaboration for Essential Surgery is proud to announce the publication of “Cost-effectiveness of Surgery in Low- and Middle-income Countries: A Systematic Review”, in the World Journal of Surgery, Official Journal of the International Society of Surgery/Societe Internationale de Chirurgie, published online on October 8, 2013. Co-Authored by Michael Cotton, MA, ICES Founder and Chair, Dr. Caris E. Grimes, Dr. Jaymie Ang Henry, Founders & Executive Board, and Dr. Nyengo C. Mkandawire, Executive Board; this collaborative effort produced a paper that outlines the provision of essential surgical care as a part of public health policy in low- and middle-income countries.
Examined are the cost-effectiveness of simple surgical interventions which could be made available at any district hospital and are compared to standard public health interventions that have been shown to prevent death and disability. Suitable articles with both cost and effectiveness data were identified and, where possible, data was extrapolated to enable comparison across studies.
The paper is an excellent representation of the ICES goals in bringing cost effective Essential Surgery to developing countries with the need for data and information that must be disseminated to further build the infrastructure that must be put in place to affect changes.
In conclusion, the authors recommend that further studies be carried out to assess the impact on death and disability rendered by simple surgical procedures in low resource settings.
The Outcome:
“We recommend an investment in surgical care and its integration with other public health measures at the district hospital level, rather than investment in single disease strategies”.
The final publication can be found at: Cost-effectiveness of Surgery in Low- and Middle-income Countries: A Systematic Review or http://www.link.springer.com.
This article available will soon be made available in .pdf format in ICES digital library at www.essentialsurgery.com