Letter of Endorsement
(Note: for individual endorsements, please sign the petition here.)
Attn: Executive Director
International Collaboration for Essential Surgery
To Whom It May Concern:
I am writing on behalf of the board members, staff and constituents of NAME OF ORGANIZATION HERE to express our support for the ICES campaign.
Our organizational mission aligns with that of ICES. We, too, promote the provision of essential low-cost surgical care in low-resource settings to save lives and prevent serious disability.
The NAME OF ORGANIZATION HERE specifically supports the call of ICES to:
- Expand the sense of urgency in global public health beyond communicable diseases to the diseases and injuries which in modern times can easily be treated by health workers trained in low-technology surgical interventions.
- Provide guidance, tools, and training to medical professionals, paraprofessional medical personnel and lay health workers that will allow them to perform simple procedures such as closing defects that cause hernias in the belly and surgeries preventing premature deaths from appendicitis, perforation of the stomach, or infection of the pelvis.
Support a global shift in policies and practices that allow neglected surgical diseases to be managed by 15 essential surgical interventions.
Systemically prepare district level hospitals to ready their workforces and facilities to begin to provide the 15 essential surgical interventions.
Create a data clearinghouse that supports the development, implementation and assessment of increased access to the 15 essential surgical interventions.
This letter represents the support of NAME OF ORGANIZATION for changes in global policy and practices that allow the implementation of the 15 essential surgical interventions needed to prevent lifelong pain and disability. ICES, with its partners has a plan to make it feasible for women everywhere to receive surgical interventions when they give birth and for men, women, and children to receive necessary surgical treatment for certain injuries and congenital birth defects. Our organization looks forward to lending our support ICES and its future endeavors.